For up to date info for Bisley shoots please go to Bisley Range Lane Allocations the night before to check the range & lane.
All club members are welcome to the club shoots. Ammunition is available from the NRA for use on the day and everyone is welcome to the National shoots to observe if you're not competing.
Club Long Range Gallery rifle Competition @ Bisley
Spring Friday 3rd April
Summer TBC
Autumn Friday 20th September
Club Sporting & Historic rifle Competition @ Bisley for SMLE's, K98's, Martini's etc.
Spring Friday 17th May
Summer TBC
Autumn Friday 1st November
Imperial Meeting @ Bisley TBC Imperial Meeting
The Big One on the shooting calender. All welcome to observe.
Full-Bore Target Rifle on Century Range at Bisley
300 yds
500 yds
600 yds 30th June
Full-Bore Target Rifle on Stickledown Range at Bisley
900 yds 18th August
1000 yds 15th September
Five trophy's to be shot for